Lit 285
Io & Jove- Io was turned into a heifer by Jove because she would not marry him. She told her father, Inachus, by writing in the sand with her hoof. She revealed her identity. She is guarded by a monster with many eyes named Argus. His eyes were put into the feathers of a peacock. Io is turned back into a human and becomes a goddess call Isis.
-read story of Tyrisia
-in mythology words have mythical powers
-rent “some like it hot” (Tony Curtis)
Simally & Zeus (god)convinces god to show him as he really is. Relates to ch33 of Genesis. She explodes when she sees him. Zeus grabs he unborn child and puts it in his thigh.
-book called “after ovid” Is contemporary poems about storys in Ovid metamorphosis
-Metempsychosis (look up word)
-laryyavisbrown.homestread.com/files/xeno.ovid2.htm (cliff notes about ovid)(study for test)(link posted on Reo’s blog site)
Zeus and his children and how they became the original Olympians. His children becomes gods.
Things to know for first test:
-first four books of ovid
Book 1: know all the stories
Book 2:Story of Phaethon, Callisto, Coronis, (all the stories)
Book 4 : P&T, Mars & Venus, salmacis & hermaphrodites, Cadmus & harmonia, Perseus
Book 3: catmis, action, semele, tiresias, nar
1,2,3,7 know this chapters in Myth and Reality (eliada)
Everything we have covered so far
Essay on D2L by Dr. Saxson (myth)
*Assignment: bring one question to class on Tuesday (class notes, discussions, )
Almost all questions will appear on test.
Who was zeus father? Cronose
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