"The spectacle of the great changes which annually pass over the face of the earth has powerfully impressed the minds of man in all ages, and stirred them to meditate on the causes of transformations so vast and wonderful."
Chapter Six
Arachne-Had a weaving contest with Athene and was turned into a spider
Niobe-a mother that had many children and was later turned to stone and placed on a mountain
Marsyas-challenged Apollo to a pipe contest and lost. Then Apollo riped his skin off and his tears became a river.
Pelops-Had an ivory shoulder because the gods were being tested and mistakenly ate part of him.Boreas & Orithyia-Winged god that tried to win over Orithyia with words.
Medea & Jason-Medea helped Jason win the fleece because she was in love with him. He won and left with her.
Medea & Aeson-Medea used her magic to make her father, Aeson, younger.
Medea & Pelias-Medea tricked Pelias by saying she would make him younger. He bleed to death.
Theseus & Aegeus-Theseus was almost killed by poison from Medea, but his father Aegeu saved him.
Cephalus & Procris-they were out hunting together and Cephalus through a spear into a bush and accidentally kill his wife, Procris.
Chapter Eight
Scylla & Minos-Scylla killed her father and gave a lock of his purple hair to Minos.
The Minotaur-Half-man and half-bull who lived in the labyrinth.
Daedalus & Icarus-Deadalus was an inventor that tried to escape exile with his son by building wings to fly away.
Perdix-Was turned into a partridge after Deadulas killed him.Baucis & Philemon-Little old couple who's house was turned into a temple. they died at the same time and became trees that shared the same trunk.
Achelous & Hercules-Fought each other over Deianria. Achelous turned into a bull and one of his horns were broken off. It became a cornucopia.
Hercules, Deianira, Nessus-Nessus tried to steal Deianira away from Hercules when the were crossing a river.
Dryope-Was turned into a lotus tree because she was picking flowers.Byblis & Caunus-Sister that feel in love with her brother.
Iphis & Ianthe-Iphis was born a girl and later was turned into a boy and married Ianthe.Chapter Ten
Cyparissus-Was turned into a cypress tree because of accidentally killing.
Ganymede-Ganymede caught the eye of Jove. Jove turned into an eagle and took the boy.
Hyacinthus-Was stuck by Apollo's discus and was killed. Apollo turned him into a flower and had an annual feast.
Pygmalion-Carved a female statue out of ivory and fell in love with it.
Atalanta & Hippomenes-Married each other after having a race against each other. Hippomenes won.
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